How to Maintain Tape Hair Extensions

If you're a hair extension lover, you know you're locks are life! Which is why it's super important to know exactly how to look after your ZALA tape hair extensions. Well, look no further - we've got you covered! Read on for our full guide on how to maintain tape hair extensions to keep them feeling soft & silky and in their best condition for as long as possible.

how to maintain tape hair extensions

How to Maintain Tape Hair Extensions

As tape hair extensions are styled and washed much more frequently than clip ins, they will require a little extra TLC in order to get the best looking tresses! Remember, each time you wash & style your extensions it will strip the natural oils in the hair. But don't worry! There are a few key tips and tricks that will help to restore their condition.


It's super important to be using the right shampoo and conditioner on your luxury locks. This is our most common question when we're asked how to maintain tape hair extensions. High quality products that are sulphate & paraben free as these are much more gentle on the hair and avoid drying your extensions out.

Once you've found a good sulphate and paraben free shampoo and conditioner, don't go washing your hair everyday! This will be super stripping and only lead to dull, dry locks. Instead, try and space out your washes as much as possible and grab yourself some dry shampoo to get you through!


Next up, our favourite tip on how to maintain tape hair extensions. Indulge in conditioning treatments! The more moisture, the better. A super nourishing deep conditioning treatment applied 1-2 times a week along with a leave in conditioner applied after washing are our essentials for keeping your tape extensions silky smooth. A nourishing hair oil such as moroccan, coconut or argon oil are also amazing at keeping tape hair extensions healthy. Not only do they aid in adding moisture to the hair, they're also perfect for adding shine after styling. If you don't have any of these products on hand, check out our DIY hair masks below.


Now as much as we love straightening and curling our ZALA's, it can take its toll on the condition of your tape hair extensions, much like it can your natural hair. Remember, heat styling does include hair drying. So, try to let your hair dry naturally as much as possible. If you can, try opting for some heatless hairstyles. Otherwise, just make sure you're always using heat protectant before styling and using tools on a low to medium heat setting.


Lastly, if your tape extensions just aren't looking and feeling their best, it may actually be down to reapplication rather than your hair care routine! If you're finding your extensions are a little lack lustre and prone to tangling, it might be time to reapply or replace your set. As a guide, we recommend reapplying every 8 weeks and replacing your set between every 3-12 months.

August 31, 2016
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