Budget Hair Care

Most of us beauty lovers know how expensive products can be! But, you can get similar results at home for a fraction of the price! For those who are still in school or are on a budget, ZALA bring you these 3 budget hair care tips and products. Who doesn't want to save some $$$ where they can?!

budget hair care


DIY Hair Masks

Does your hair need a little TLC but you don't want to break the bank? These do it yourself hairmarks are the perfect option! This budget hair care product can be whipped up from the comfort of your kitchen. And, they're all natural and organic!

For those with dull lifeless hairs, grab some strawberries, 1 x egg yolk and honey. Mix in a blender to combine for the ultimate revitalizing hair mask that will add shine to those locks! If you're suffering from dry and damaged hair, try this super creamy conditioning mask. Blend together a ripe avocado, ripe banana and coconut oil until smooth. You'll be left with the most soft and silky hair! Curly hair curls, are your locks unruly and frizzy? Apply a combination of coconut oil, olive oil and honey to tame those trresses.

Check out our DIY video for all DIY mask quantities the budget hair care treatment.


Dry Shampoo

Did you know, you can make your own dry shampoo at home? Yep, that's right. We all know the brilliance of dry shampoo! Therefore, save yourself some money with ingredients from home. This budget hair care tip uses either baby powder or cornstach for the ultimate DIY dry shampoo.

If you're a brunette, simply add some cocoa powder to avoid a white cast! This ingenious trick will not only save you from buying expensive cans of dry shampoo, but will also help you stop overwashing your hair!

Switch your parting

We've covered products for budget hair care, but what about styles? If you're wanting to give your hair a refreshed look without a trip to the hairdressers, simply switch your parting! This will instantly give you a whole new look without spending big $$$.

budget hair care

Which of these budget hair care tricks and tips will you be trying! We hope these help to save you some money, and give the same results as your usual hair products :)


September 18, 2015
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