A Guide To Taking Care Of Bleached Hair

So you love your bleached hair, huh?

You love the color, you love the texture, you love how you can make every head in the room turn towards you, thanks to your new hairstyle.

But see, if you want that to last, you have to understand that bleaching hair: it's not just something you do on a whim. To all the girls who bleached their hair and regretted it afterward, here's a guide to taking care of bleached hair!

ZALA A Guide To Taking Care Of Bleached Hair

1. Hair masks, hair masks, hair masks

We cannot emphasize hair masks enough when it comes to talking about bleached hair care. Bleached hair tends to be stiff, dry, and brittle, and hair masks can bring back the moisture that was stripped off of your hair during the bleaching process.

2. Use a conditioner and a leave-in conditioner

Conditioners should definitely be every girl's best friend. Especially for those with bleached hair, conditioners can make a lot of difference. In addition to that, make it a habit to use leave-in conditioners too! It's a very easy way of retaining moisture in your hair even if you go on your day-to-day activities.

3. Buy toners or purple shampoo

Toners or purple shampoo are an absolute must if you're interested in taking care of bleached hair properly. Purple shampoo not as effective as a toner in actually toning your hair color, but it does help keep your hair more cool-toned. See, as time goes by, bleached hair slowly becomes more yellow or orange in color. Purple shampoo helps maintain its regular color by lifting the other color from your strands. If you want best results though, just get a toner and use that once a week.

4. Get some hair oils

Hair oils can certainly do wonders for your hair! They can bring back the shine and luster that usually disappear if you get your hair bleached. It's almost worthless to have hair of a nice color but an ugly-looking texture and feel, so make sure that you keep its appearances in tip-top shape too!

5. Heat protectant sprays are a must

Heat can damage your hair in more ways that you can think of. That's why you should always have a heat protectant spray with you, more so if you're going to be using some heat styling tools. But even if you're not, the sun itself is already harmful enough, so better be ready to protect your beloved bleached hair from that.

Got any questions? Ask away at the comment section below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can! And as always, for more hair care tips and tricks, feel free to check out the ZALA blog!

May 15, 2019
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