How To Perfect Your Prom Hair

It's almost prom season!

And we think it goes without saying that for a young lady who's just starting to transition into an adult, prom is one of the most important highlights of life. We've been there, you've been there. We've all panicked at the thought that our dress may not fit us after all. Our favorite foundation no longer matches our sunburnt skin. Our hair just simply cooperating.

It may seem silly to an adult, but to a teen, it can mean everything. That's why, in honor of prom season, here's a few tips on how to perfect your prom hair!

ZALA How To Perfect Your Prom Hair

A month before:

  • Get into the habit of using hair masks at least once a week. Preferably those with moisturizing properties, to help get your hair in its best shape, just in time for prom. You can even do them twice a week, for best results.
  • Deal with hair problems early on. Have frizzy hair? Dull hair? Flat hair? All these problems have to be dealt with at least a month before prom. Remember, there's no such thing as an instant fix-me-up potion for unhealthy hair. You certainly wouldn't want that for your prom hair, would you?

A week before:

  • Change up your hairstyle if you want. If you want to make drastic changes to your hair, like a new haircut, or perhaps even new hair color, this is the right time to do it. Why? Well, new haircuts are a great way to instantly look 'fresh' on prom night. Nothing like surprising your date and your friends with a new 'do, right? As for hair colors, if you do it too early, your hair will still be able to grow which can lead to mismatched roots.
  • Start thinking about your actual hairstyle on prom night. This is also the right time for you to start visualizing what your hair is going to look like on the night of prom. Are you going to do a half-ponytail? What about volume waves? Silky straight? Regardless of what your hairstyle choice may be, make sure that you already have ideas a week before prom to prevent any last-minute disasters.

A day before:

  • Deep condition your hair. Deep conditioning your hair provide additional hydration to your hair, which helps immensely especially now that it's so near to the event.
  • Get a good night's sleep. We know you're excited and all, but make sure that you get enough sleep the night before the prom! Lack of sleep can make your hair stressed out, and you certainly wouldn't want that on your special night!

You know what they say, confidence is beauty. Always remember: you're beautiful, no matter what your hair looks like! So just go out there, have fun, and enjoy your prom night!

For more hairstyle tips and tricks, feel free to check out the ZALA blog!

April 19, 2019
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