How To Take Care Of Damaged Dyed Hair

Damaged hair is never a good thing, but it gets even more complicated if you've got dyed hair. Fortunately, it’s easier once you know how to take care of dyed hair.

Taking care of damaged dyed hair is not the same as taking care of regular dyed hair or even just regular damaged hair. In this article, we've included some helpful tips in order to guide you in the right direction.

Read on for tips on how to take care of damaged hair that has been dyed.

Damaged dyed hair causes

It's not uncommon to hear stories of color damage in hair. Usually, it happens when you've had too many sessions of coloring. It could also happen if you used products that are too harsh on your strands.

Dyed hair by itself is already sensitive and vulnerable. When it gets damaged, it becomes brittle and easily broken. Below is our best advice on how to take care of damaged hair induced by hair coloring.

1. Cut it off

Unfortunately, the first step to taking care of damaged dyed hair is to cut off the damaged parts. The truth is, once your hair is already split, there's no way to put it back together. The only thing you can do is to cut off your hair right where the damage starts, so that you can prevent it from splitting further.

Of course, if the damage encompasses your entire crowning glory, you can't exactly do this, unless you're okay with shaving your whole head, that is. In that case, just try to cut your hair as short as possible, in order to mitigate any additional damages.

2. Avoid washing often

Color damaged hair is one of the most fragile types of hair out there. Water makes hair drier and also more vulnerable, so avoid washing your hair often. Make sure to use a conditioner every time you shower and always use a wide-toothed comb to detangle your hair when it's dry.

Another thing you can do is to replace your regular towel with a soft t-shirt. This causes less friction to your strands.

3. Use deep-conditioning masks regularly

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Damaged hair or not, this should already be part of your regular routine. If not, though, then it's best to start now, especially if you've got damaged dyed hair. Deep-conditioning masks can help restore moisture in your strands, making it stronger and less prone to breakage.

4. Try out hair serums

There are specialized hair serums that deal specifically with color damaged hair. These hair products are extremely concentrated, making them more effective than regular leave-in conditioners.

5. Don't forget sunscreen

Last but not the least, damaged dyed hair tends to get extremely frizzy when you're out and about. Since it's brittle, it also tends to break when it gets dry, like when you're spending extended periods of time under the sun. Always use a hair sunscreen when you're outside to avoid this situation.

So, now you know how to take care of hair after dying and how to treat color-induced hair damage. Make sure to follow these tips so you can always flaunt long, luscious, and damage-free hair.

For more hair tips and tricks, don't forget to check out our ZALA blog!

November 05, 2019
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